It is the responsibility of each property owner to ensure that yard refuse does not block roadways, sidewalks, drainage ditches, or in any other way impair vehicle or pedestrian safety.
Please call the Village DPW at 257-6166 and leave a voicemail with any questions/concerns about late garbage, trash, bulky pickup, or snow removal. If there is no answer, leave a message on the answering machine. For all inquries regarding recycling please call Tompkins County at 273-6632 or visit
- Once a week collection on the assigned day for each neighborhood. To view weekly schedule by street listing click here. When a refuse collection day falls on a HOLIDAY, the collection is delayed by one (1) day. For example: if your refuse pickup is normally on Tuesday and the holiday falls on Tuesday – your refuse will be picked up on Wednesday.
- Household garbage must be out by 7:30 AM on scheduled collection days.
- Household trash MUST be in a plastic bag and placed inside a securely covered garbage container, no larger than 33-35 gallons and weighing over 50 LBS to allow handling by one person (OSHA regulations).
- Plastic bags outside containers will not be picked up. If you have extra trash as an exception, contact the DPW for instructions.
- Each container must have affixed a TRASH TAG each time it is put out. Please note that single red Garbage Tags are for a limit of 15 LBS of Garbage. Trash tags may be purchased at the Village Office, Wegman’s and Tops Friendly Market (North Triphammer Rd). Tags come in sheets of 12 and cost $18.00. Each tag covers the cost of 15 LB of trash.
- Builder’s refuse is the responsibility of the builder or individual resident and will not be picked up by the DPW.
- In the event that your garbage receptacles are OVERSIZED or INSUFFICIENTLY TAGGED because of weight, a notice will be placed on your can indicating the reason your garbage was NOT picked up.
- Our workers are trained to leave such items or contents of the whole can if they cannot be easily separated. These items that are not accepted by landfills, are usually hazardous to the environment, and can be dangerous to our employees and our equipment. They are:
- Ashes of any kind – (fire hazard)
- Medical waste
- Tires
- Batteries of any kind
- Construction debris
- Dead animals
- Dirt, such as: soil, grass clippings, yard debris etc.
- Automotive fluids such as oil, antifreeze, or other fluids
- Automotive parts
- Pesticides
- Stones
- Ammunition
- Chunks of concrete
- Paint, paint thinners and solvents
- Toilet and drain cleaners
- Explosives
- Any other chemicals.
- If you followed all of the guidelines and your garbage has not been picked up by 4 P.M. than call the Department of Public Works at 607-257-6166.
- Small brush placed in containers (no plastic bags) curbside and branches up to three inches in diameter will be collected the Second Monday of the month, per schedule. click here to view our community calendar which is updated regularly. If a Holiday falls on a Monday, pick-up will be delayed until Tuesday (indicated by an * on the calendar)
- No tags are required.
- Please bundle branch piles neatly and make them less than four feet in height and length. Grass clippings, stones and soil will not be picked up. No brush containers weighing over 50 LBS will be allowed due to the handling by one person (OSHA regulations).

- Brush pruning will take place twice each year starting June 1st thru Aug 31st and October 15th through December 15th.
- The DPW will place orange boards in areas that require brush trimming. The boards will be placed to give residents one week notice that pruning is necessary. When overhanging brush has not been pruned in the Village’s right of way after a week, DPW crews will do the job*.
- For public safety, property owner’s brush needs to be pruned no less than 12 1/2 feet in height overhanging streets and no less than 8 feet in height overhanging sidewalks.
*Our Department of Public Works (DPW) cannot perform any work on PRIVATE PROPERTY.
The Village would like to inform all residents that if they choose to do their own brush pruning or choose to have their landscapers do the brush pruning, the work must be completed before our DPW crews go out on June 1st and/or October 15th. Pruning is essential for safety reasons – in terms of visibility and clear paths for walkers, joggers, and cyclists, as well as better visibility for the Public Works Department staff who operate the sidewalk plow in winter.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Village DPW at 607-257-6166. (Or the Clerks office at 607-257-1238)
- Household objects too large for the garbage can, such as appliances, furniture, mattresses etc., will be collected the third Monday of each month. click here to view our community calendar which is updated regularly. If a Holiday falls on a Monday, pick-up will be delayed until Tuesday (indicated by an * on the calendar)
- Place objects on the curbside, no tags are required.
- Appliances containing refrigerants (e.g. refrigerators, air conditioners) must have a tag indicating that the refrigerant was removed by a certified recycler.
- Metal and non-metal bulky trash is collected separately, and must be out by 7:30am. The DPW staff makes one pick-up on each Village road.
- Construction debris and tires will NOT be picked up.

- Under contract with Tompkins County, Casella Waste Systems, Inc.
- The Village pick up day is every other Friday. We encourage you to click here and follow the prompts to view the pick up calendar for your location. There are also options for adding the calendar to your own personal online calendar system or even to receive a notification if you wish. If you have a question about delays due to a Holiday or snow please click here to view the Tompkins County Recycling Center calendar for updates.
- Tompkins County collects clear, green, and brown glass, tin and aluminum cans, aluminum foil and pie plates, aerosol cans, plastic #1, #2, and #5 ONLY, paper milk and juice cartons, newspaper, flattened cardboard, magazines, junk mail, and office paper in provided containers.
- We do not provide recycling containers. Residents may purchase recycling bins at the Solid Waste Division office or use their own no more than 50-gallon in size or weighing more than 40-pounds when full.
- There are TC Recycling Brochures available for your convenience in the Clerks Office, please stop by and pick one up.
For problems with pick-up or more information, call Tompkins County Solid Waste at 273-6632 or visit

- Residents can bring food scraps and paper towels and napkins ONLY, every Sunday to the Designated County Drop-off Shed behind Marcham Hall.
- Drop off site is located on 836 Hanshaw Road on Sunday’s from 11:00 to 3:00 p.m.
- Free of charge.
- For more information, click here for the food scrap recycling information sheet.