The Village of Cayuga Heights can be found on eCode 360.

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that these are complete, current, and accurate, they are being posted here as a convenience to web users. In the event of any discrepancy, official documents on file with the Village Clerk or the Secretary of State shall prevail and govern.
For a historical record of past laws, previously enacted, please see below. These laws are being provided as a historical record only and have been replaced in their entirety by the Village eCode 360.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free download.
A New Local Law has Been Passed: Village of Cayuga Heights Local Law 2 of the year 2024
A Local Law to amend the Village of Cayuga Heights code to delete article XIII, “Property Maintenance” from chapter 305, “Zoning,” and to create a new chapter of the Village of Cayuga Heights code to be entitled, “Property Maintenance”
View in it’s entirety HERE.
View a Summary HERE.
If you have further questions please contact Brent Cross at (607)257-1238 ext. 104